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Do You Believe That Seasonal Affective Disorder Exists

Seasonal affective disorder or commonly known as SAD is a depression subtype which follows the season. Seasonal affective disorder is a medically recognized type of depressive disorder. According to the seasonal affective disorder information and DSM IV which is the primary diagnostic manual used by clinical psychiatrists to make accurate diagnosis, has identified SAD as one of the of the major subtype depressive disorder. It is found to occur more often in women than compared to men and has a seasonal component and natural relief for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. However for a given individual the seasonal affective disorder symptoms tend to occur at the same time and every year and it resolves about the same time of the year. It also tends to occur for two consecutive years in a row. The signs and symptoms of this disorder can be mild to even severe but there is an effective seasonal affective disorder medication available along with easy availability of natural antidepressant.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Information

Therefore to answer the question whether SAD exists, seasonal affective disorder is in fact real and it is also a depression subtype. In case you experience a minor depression then a natural antidepressant can prove to be beneficial. You can even differentiate between SAD and a regular depression just by looking at the description of the seasonal affective disorder symptoms and why is depression more common in women than men. However speaking generally, the symptoms of this disorder are quite similar to that of hibernating. According to the seasonal affective disorder information, the patient might feel low energy, irritable, increase need to sleep, increased weight, hungry with carbohydrate craving, decreased libido and even diminished concentration.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Effects

The disorder does exist and there are several people suffering form this type of depression. However there are still some ways you can prevent this disorder. You should know that regular physical exercise can help you in fighting depression and fatigue especially if you exercise during the day or where there is light. Moreover you also need to go out even during the winter months to seek some fresh air and sunlight. You can even take a break or holiday and go out where there is plenty of sunlight. These are just some of the activities that you can do in order to prevent SAD and seasonal affective disorder symptoms.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Diagnosis

In case you are already experiencing symptoms of SAD then it is necessary that you get yourself properly diagnosed. This will help you avail the right seasonal affective disorder medication. The different types of treatments for this disorder include light therapy, counseling, medication and psychotherapy. Although a natural antidepressant can be a one of the common treatments for depression, the light box therapy is however the common medication form for seasonal affective disorder as it has proven to offer nearly 85 percent success rate. It has also been found based on seasonal affective disorder information that bringing a change in you diet can help prevent this disorder. This means you need to include more vitamins and minerals in your diet so that you feel energetic to workout and go out to do your everyday activities.