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Tag Archives: stress

Dealing with Stress

Stress can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including relationship problems, major life changes, health problems, environmental factors like pressure from work, fatigue and life threatening event. Regardless of the cause, you need to understand stress management techniques to prevent chemical stress symptoms from worsening. Stress can affect both physical and mental health. If you experience large amounts of stress, you would feel tired, sick, and unable to think clearly and concentrate. Stress increases your blood pressure and heart rate, causes sleeping problems, slows down the digestive system and affects your immune system.  Dealing with stress effectively can help you lead a productive and healthy life. Get Started on Stress Management Managing stress can help you get back control over your life. Determining the causes of stress and thinking of ways to reduce stress are the keys to get rid of this problem. Self Help Exercise offers the most effective psycho-spirital stress relief. It creates a positive effect on your physical and mental state. It boosts feel good hormones called endorphins and distracts you from your worries. It elevates your mood, improves sleep and increases your self confidence. Any form of exercise can help you in dealing with stress efficiently. Walking, jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, gardening and tai chi are some of the best exercises that help improve your fitness and reduce stress. Ensure that you choose an activity that you will enjoy. Alcohol and Drugs Many people resort to alcohol or drug to get relief from stress. ...

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What is Stress

Stress is any state that overwhelms a person, negatively or positively. Most of the times we consider stress as a negative feeling because commonly stressed is felt because of the things, situations and people that are unwanted or unfavorable for us. The compelling feeling that makes one do the undesired puts stress over him and he, unwillingly feels bounded by it. Stress is also used as a synonym for tension and any state of unhappiness and discontent. Contrary to this and the medical answer to “what is stress” is that and also anxiety effects on your mind, it is known to be a state of mind that is influenced by both external and internal factors. External situations can put a person under stress and that stress could be thrilling and positive too. Positive Stress People may ask that what is stress, which is termed as positive stress? The answer is very simple. In any situation, you must think that what type of effect is the situation is causing upon you. If it is exciting you and making you look forward to something, then it will be called as positive stress. Growing popularity about treating stress with herbs is very real as well. Suppose, there is going to be an event in your school, college, office or family and you are very excited about it. This excitement will keep you in a high spirit all the times, and one will feel energetic about discussing, preparing and imagining about that event. Putting ...

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Presently, stress is a commonly used term and also the most excessively experienced state of emotion. We say it and feel it every now and then. The reason is that the conditions and environment have changed dramatically since the past years. Life has not remained simpler anymore. Today there is more competition, demands, goals, insecurities and fantasies that have ultimately led mankind towards stress and the effects of mood disorder. Today talking about stress has become an absolutely normal thing as people have accepted it as part and parcel of life and little talk about stress management is there, which is an inappropriate culture. Every person must mind the roots of his stress, basing upon his age group, profession, nature and gender. If age group, one’s nature, profession and gender are brought into account then the stress can be divided into three major categories. Teen Stress It can be termed as the “first phase of stress in life”. As the person steps into puberty, he encounters many pressures and stresses not just due to external changes but also due to internal changes. Internal changes play the most significant role in teen stress, as the hormonal and chemical changes experienced by the teen cause emotional fluctuations. Mood swings, hyper activity or loss of interest are some of the most prominent features of the emotional fluctuations. Teen stress can be amplified due to academic pressure and to add more complexity to this age, love arrives. The relationships in the teen group can ...

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