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Author Archives: Karl Weber

Bipolar Disorder Effects

The good news is that bipolar disorder symptoms like feeling sad, depressed and at times feeling of helplessness and unworthiness can be treated well. The episodes of depression with euphoric condition can be termed as manic state. Mania and depression are stages in bipolar disorder. Mania state is where the person feels very agitated and is ready to do anything. At time the same person may get in to arguments and even abusive. The bipolar disorder effects can be simple to very complicated. Bipolar Disorder Information One of the bipolar disorder effects leads to suicidal thinking and depression.  The person with bipolar disorder may even attempt to commit suicide. They may even turn homicides. They may experience disturbed sleep patterns. Bipolar disorder effects lead the person to make him stay awake all night and then may realize nothing was accomplished as he or she was distracted. They may feel loss of interest in activities and isolate themselves. The person in manic state speaks rapidly jumping from one topic to the other. Bipolar disorder effects on the brain can be too dangerous. Effects On The Brain Bipolar disorder effects on the brain can make the person becomes reckless and even driving carelessly. Usually this type of thinking is something that leads your physician begin immediate bipolar disorder treatment. He or she may take hasty decisions regarding work and money resulting in heavy loss. Bipolar Disorder effects on the brain may make the person set unrealistic goals and plans and he will ...

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Anger Effects

If you are aware of the fact that frequent anger can increase the risk of heart disease, you may stop yelling during an argument or even stop getting furious even though you had a really stressful day. Anger is an emotion that can be seen in all human beings and moderate anger is never a problem. Expressing your anger can be healthy too. Even more better is when you are able to tell people that you are angry. However, explosive people who literally scream at others are at a greater risk for heart disease. Anger effects like atypical depression symptoms can be seen if this emotion is not controlled soon. Poor heart health, high blood pressure is some anger effects that can be seen in any person who cross the limit of moderate anger. The anger effects can be different for each individual depending upon their age and occupation. Anger Long Term Effects On The Heart How can we measure anger long term effects on the Heart? Scientists are still not sure how this works but is sure that anger has the power to produce physiological effects on the arteries and the heart. Anger activates the stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline that can speed up your heart rate and give you the much needed energy. When you are angry, the blood pressure also rises and the blood vessels constrict. Anger long term effects on the Heart can be really dangerous if no action is taken to control this. Anger ...

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Club Drugs Hangover Duration

One of the worst parts of doing club drugs, such as ecstasy, is, according to users, the day after. Coming down from the high is known as the club drugs hangover and its effects are not pleasant at all. Usual club drugs hangover effects include temporary depression, muscle aches, nausea, inability to sleep and many nasty sensations. Searching for the perfect club drugs hangover cure is what people taking these substances do all the time after a night partying, but the truth is that time is actually the best recipe for getting rid of the bad sensations of the day after. Club drugs hangover information provided by users and health care professionals shows that usually, an episode of coming down takes about one day or two, which is why people go partying on weekend so they can recover until the next work week starts. However, there are club drugs hangover effects that tend to linger more, especially for people that are doing such drugs on a regular basis. Is It Going To End Soon In case you have ever experienced a club drugs hangover in your life, this question surely was on your mind while you were feeling ill, crushed and wasted after a night spent high on serotonin release. The natural antidepressant, once gone from your system, seems like a lost memory, and you think that the nasty club drugs hangover effects will never disappear. No matter how intense they are, they will not last forever. It usually takes ...

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Atypical Depression Effects

Although it is a fact, not all of us realize that there are different types of depression that can affect us. Today there has been an increasing awareness of atypical depression. The atypical depression signs are easy to understand. Once the atypical depression signs are seen the root cause of the issue needs to be studied. A doctor can help you understand why you have been affected by atypical depression. Even for giving the right kind of treatment, atypical depression signs are to be studied well. Atypical Depression Symptoms Atypical depression symptoms can be different for different people and it affects women more than men. The first symptoms of atypical depression can be seen during the teen age where the depressed mood would often last for years. The depressed mood will come in cycles and can be anywhere from mild to moderate. One of the most prominent atypical depression symptoms is the decrease in the energy level of the person concerned. At some point of time the patient will feel like he cannot move from one place to another. Atypical Depression Effects Some of the atypical depression effects include more of sleep time and increase in the appetite. There will be a lot of craving for chocolates, sweets and carbohydrates. The person suffering from this depression will be very sensitive to people’s remarks and criticisms. Lack of energy and loss of interest in life are other atypical depression effects that are commonly seen and are obvious like bipolar disorder effects. ...

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Aging and Depression

Old age is considered as a time for rest, complete relaxation and opportunities to do things that were not possible while pursuing careers. Unfortunately, the process of aging is not always so peaceful. There are some events in late life that can be so chronic like some medical disorders, sudden loss of loved ones and friends that affects the emotional well being of any person. In this case aging and depression come together leading to misery. Aging and depression are related to each other in many ways with their anger effects and stress level indicators. In old age there are lot of physical changes in the body combined with some financial woes that triggers lot of negative emotions like anxiety, low self esteem and sadness. Aging and depression leads to social withdrawal of the individual. Aging And Depression In Women Aging and depression in women is more prominent than what we can see in men. Depression and the effects of bipolar disorder can be chronic and can have serious consequences that can complicate the health conditions of the person. There is a strong proof that with natural body changes along with aging can increase the risk of a person experience depression. Aging and depression in women is more common as low amount of folate in the nervous system and blood can contribute to mental impairment and depression, ultimately leading to dementia. Research also proves that there is a strong link between aging, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Aging And Depression Signs ...

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Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is characterized by enormous shifts in an individual’s moods and thoughts.  Alternating experiences of the highs of mania and lows of depression visit the affected person. These moods linger for many weeks or even months. Unlike the mood swings of the normal person, the intensity of moods due to bipolar disorder like atypical depression effects is so great that it disturbs the person’s capacity in his/her daily functioning. The main cause of bipolar disorder is beyond perception but it may be due to genetic factors passed on through generations and chemical imbalance in the patient’s brain. The manic episode might induce the person to kick the job and carelessly speculate in the stock market. When the mood changes to depression, the same person feels guilty of being unemployed and bankrupt. This disease affects people in their adolescence period. Bipolar disorder symptoms are different for each individual. Signs of Bipolar Disorder The bipolar disorder symptoms should not be neglected by the patient or his close relatives. This will lead to hindrances in the individual’s career and relationships with others. Manic exaltation might produce extraordinary energy and euphoria which may result in destructive activity from the effects of anger for example. Bipolar disorder is chronic in nature and shows tendency of relapsing. Medication has to be continued during periods of intermittent normalcy. Medication prevents severity of episodes and helps the person to stay away from bipolar disorder symptoms. Gender and Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder symptoms in men and bipolar disorder ...

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Club Drugs Hangover Signs

A club drugs hangover is never a pleasant experience, and many people that do such drugs wonder if there is any way of decreasing the intensity or the occurrence of these episodes. The bad news is that, unless you give up on drugs, you will have to endure the unpleasant club drugs hangover effects each time you get high on hallucinogenic substances. As each one has a different metabolism, some may experience less unpleasant effects than others, but there is no such thing as no club drugs hangover. The following club drugs hangover information will try to explain to you why there is no easy way out from dealing with the consequences of drug abuse, other than not doing drugs at all. Why Do People Feel So Bad After Abusing Club Drugs A club drugs hangover is not an accident; it is actually the consequence of what happens inside the human brain after it is exposed to drug abuse. One of the most important neurotransmitters that the brain produces and uses is serotonin; this is known as the happiness hormone, although it is not actually a hormone. Nonetheless, it did not earn its name for nothing; its main role is to act as a natural antidepressant and help people feel good, among other things. Without it, a generalized feeling of depression appears, which is why this psychological condition is part of club drugs hangover effects that are most common. You have to understand this club drugs hangover information; without enough ...

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Desired Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine would not be a popular drug without the pleasant sensations it is capable of causing in users. There is a strong reason why Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use is so popular among teens and youngsters; since the drug is responsible for releasing an important quantity of natural antidepressant in the brain, it is quite understandable why it was given the name ‘ecstasy’. Of course, the drug is not only milk and honey, and effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine comedown are exactly the opposite of everything that is experienced when the user is high. However, if we are to talk about the desired effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, these can be very pleasant. A Heightened State Of Euphoria Among the desired effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, the euphoria that is caused only half an hour after ingesting a pill or swallowing powder MDMA, is the most noticeable. The user will feel like floating on clouds, and an intense feeling of empathy towards the people around will take over. This is also why MDMA is also called the ‘love drug’. Although it does not increase sex drive, it stimulates feelings of trust and bonding with other people. This is the immediate result of the excess of natural antidepressant in the brain, and it is bound to fade away along with the high caused by Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use. The next day will still be accompanied by effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine comedown that will make the user get back on the ground, and not in a very pleasant way. Increased Energy Levels The natural ...

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Atypical Depression

Atypical depression is state of mind where the symptoms you experience would be the same as those we see in a person suffering from major depression. However, it may not show all the symptoms of those with aging and depression. There are some symptoms that are common to both atypical depression and major depression like increase in appetite leading to weight gain, more than normal sleep and being very sensitive to rejection. However, atypical depression has certain special characteristics; Atypical Depression Treatment Atypical depression treatment is the first step to cure this type of depression. Though there are many symptoms that can be seen in the person suffering from this type of depression, identifying the rot cause or the source of the problem is more important than starting Atypical depression treatment. The effectiveness of the atypical depression treatment would depend on how well the source of the problem is identified. Atypical Depression Test Well, in order to identify the source of the problem, you can opt for atypical depression test, that can help you identify the root cause. As against the name of the effects atypical depression is common and some doctors feel that it remains under diagnosed in most cases. If you experience any of the symptoms it is better to go for atypical depression test to conclude if you are really suffering from the same. Even in case you have your own doubts regarding your mental state, it is wise to go for the atypical depression test to ...

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Anger is an emotion experienced by all human beings and many animals too. Mild forms of anger lead to displeasure, dislike or irritation and mirror bipolar disorder symptoms as well. When human beings react to frustration or threat they become angry which is a healthy response. Anger, as an emotion is a secondary response to feeling lonely, sad or frightened. Anger Management Managing anger is a great art and not all of us can master this art. One of the most basic components of anger management is knowing oneself. Anger is an emotion that needs to be manifested at the right stage and in the right direction and ha signs of aging and depression information prevalent. There arise many questions about anger management and most of these have logical answers to them. Biology and psychology together answer these questions about the mind and its ways. Questions about anger management may be mostly about how helpful or practical it is. Anger Treatment Anger treatment techniques are usually easy to practice and as seen in most cases, quite effective. Although there is no substitute for knowing oneself and correcting oneself of their own accord, anger treatment techniques can help an individual to move in the right direction. Anger treatment techniques helps in the sense that the mind is a malleable thing and one can make it perform virtually anything with enough practice and desire. Teaching the mind some control and habituating it to certain things is the basic principle of anger management. ...

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